whew.. im ssoo tired... ssooo sssoooo tired..
i didnt sleep last nite at all.. headache until like wahh..
den i was like.. wahh.. how.. i cant fall aslp..
time check..o2am.. still cant slp..3 am still cant.. 4 , 5 am ..
whoa.. den i go school.. so so so tired..
eyes like cannot open lidat.. den sit under derh stupid fan somemore..
blow until my eyes so dry..so pain.. haiyorhh.. stupid headache..
den after school.. got two course somemore..
I.T flash course & some motivation course thingy nahh..
aiyo... hahas.. the I.T course is not dat fun la hahas.. make us all confused
budden hor.. hahahas very funny lor.. dos guys sitting opp. our comp table..
they chao idiotic sia.. hahahahahs.. very funny la.. dunno how to say sia.. den wahh.. elaine violent liaos !... go snatch keyboard wadever la hahahahs den i there snatching the mouse from bradley & choongwei hahahahahs so funny hahahahahahas
den the motivation course hahahahahas.. the cher like.. wahh.. hahahahahahas
aiyo.. jus very funny jiu shi le nahh hahas..wahh.. finally.. its ended at 6.. gosh..im so tired-
too tired to write it out le sia.. hahas..
hehe.. my plans are going on fine hehehhes.. PLANS... bbahahahahs-
crazyME.. nobody understands wad im writing sia hahahahas..
COUNTING DOWN ;; 51 more days to ONE YEAR LEHH !!!! kaos !! why so fast !!!!!
my STUFF arent ready YET !!!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
hmm.. hehes a few days never blog lerh hor hehes sorry cos owaes not at home wors !
hehes.. hmm ytd at school do wad huh.. oh ya sleep sleep SLEEP
cos feeling kinda sick den tummy weird weird de wahh den i tink i slept thru a few lessons bahh
den so nice cos raining hahahahs.
hmm den after school go meet darling ~
wahh.. one whole one WHOLE week never see him lerh nehh..
miss him so much den he hugged me so nice hehes.
hmm.. den wos chatting with hisen yang hahas boring goatttt mmmmaaaeeeee~.. wahh he very sad lehh..
hope he's okies nahh..
omg.. sebas telling me he sewing his shirt cos got whole den i wos like luffing like crazy hahahas
hmm.. *imagine sebas sewing* GOSH ! hahaahhas
hmm.. kayys dis photo is dat day go out with felicia take de wors hehes.
FEL& FID lolss-

counting down ;;56 days to 1 year !!!!! =DDD highly anticipated day of my life-
hehes.. hmm ytd at school do wad huh.. oh ya sleep sleep SLEEP
cos feeling kinda sick den tummy weird weird de wahh den i tink i slept thru a few lessons bahh
den so nice cos raining hahahahs.
hmm den after school go meet darling ~
wahh.. one whole one WHOLE week never see him lerh nehh..
miss him so much den he hugged me so nice hehes.
hmm.. den wos chatting with hisen yang hahas boring goatttt mmmmaaaeeeee~.. wahh he very sad lehh..
hope he's okies nahh..
omg.. sebas telling me he sewing his shirt cos got whole den i wos like luffing like crazy hahahas
hmm.. *imagine sebas sewing* GOSH ! hahaahhas
hmm.. kayys dis photo is dat day go out with felicia take de wors hehes.
FEL& FID lolss-

counting down ;;56 days to 1 year !!!!! =DDD highly anticipated day of my life-
Monday, July 11, 2005
hmm hehes. put pw >.< color="#ff9900">our classroom door there we 5 block the door >.<
dun let randall there all come in hahahahahas den dunno who suddenly push us from behind hahahahas den fanglin suddenly "AAAHHHHHH" gosh..
so sharp so loud sia.. its sounds totally hillarious lor hahahahas..
luff until i wanna faint liaos hahas.. fanglin they all there wahh.. dun liadt lehh.. scary lehh hahahas even randall also there "wahh.. fidel.. so happy arhh luff like ding dong sia "
den afterdat went home bath , change & stuff den went out to find felicia we go take ic photo nors ! so scared later so ugly how ?! AAHHHHHHHH
hahahas. den i so notti ! hees. nv msg darling hehehehes den he worried wor..
so happy =)) at least now he got feelings lidat le.. june dat time like wahh..
he so.. like no feelings , no emotion , not jealous anymore like only will be so tired all the time when it comes to me orhh.. hees. but i so happy now orhh !!!
he called & say he miss me miss me miss me nehh !!!! =))
i believe in .. forever LOVE -
dun let randall there all come in hahahahahas den dunno who suddenly push us from behind hahahahas den fanglin suddenly "AAAHHHHHH" gosh..
so sharp so loud sia.. its sounds totally hillarious lor hahahahas..
luff until i wanna faint liaos hahas.. fanglin they all there wahh.. dun liadt lehh.. scary lehh hahahas even randall also there "wahh.. fidel.. so happy arhh luff like ding dong sia "
den afterdat went home bath , change & stuff den went out to find felicia we go take ic photo nors ! so scared later so ugly how ?! AAHHHHHHHH
hahahas. den i so notti ! hees. nv msg darling hehehehes den he worried wor..
so happy =)) at least now he got feelings lidat le.. june dat time like wahh..
he so.. like no feelings , no emotion , not jealous anymore like only will be so tired all the time when it comes to me orhh.. hees. but i so happy now orhh !!!
he called & say he miss me miss me miss me nehh !!!! =))
i believe in .. forever LOVE -
Saturday, July 09, 2005
hais. getting so freaked up by the project superstar forum thingy
can see it fer yourself bahh.. hais..
why the topic back to me sia..
jus because someone pose as me den dunno write wad den i kena bad mouth like hell.
"count me in! she costed leon's elimination. how can she fit to be his lover.
support leon and anti fidel! "
den ppl sorta spoke up fer me ( i dunno who dat is ..) also kena scolded like hell
"if i did not remember wrongly, i did not scold 'classically'. i did not even see the word 'arsehole' on the msg i posted. even if i would to scold such a word, i would simply use asshole. why bother to change that simple word to that extend, just like you maybe? and relax, i am not fidel in disguise. i know most of you ppl won't believe. i don't know why you all would actually believe those nonsense that the fake fidel has posted and then think that me, as her friend, is actually fidel in disguise. haha. how funny. yeah, i know the facts right. fidel has not been posting msg RECENTLY, but i knew she posted before. and about that siah suay... please, if you think helping a friend is siah suay, then evrybody is siah suay. then u mean that imposter can get off scot free? and then u all keep on saying leon's gf is this and that. and i guess by this time, you all already know fidelis is leon's gf, so what's wrong with her putting mushy msgs? and btw, i also feel sry for leon, having fans like you all, cant even state rights from wrongs. the fact that you all scolded fidel for putting up mushy msgs in the beginning is simply because you all are jealous. i know by saying all these words, some might think im fidel in disguise or whatever okay? but i don't care a damn because i only wanna say what i see and what i believe in, just like some of you, but the only prob is, you all see and believe in the wrong things."
hais.. so bu gan xin... because of some posers..
i kena scolded until like i so bad de lidat.. hais..
dunno wad i do must kena say until lidat .. so sad..
i didnt even post anything nors..
den darling cannot like care abit... so sad.. only noe how to say " dun care ok dun care ok "
hais.. even my frens cares.. jeline & felicia they all read until they dere wahh.. blood boiling , blood pressure going up liao den i dere wahh dun post anything dun post anything hor...
HEYYS WAIT..nono.. not the only thing to be happy about hehes.. i got my guess watch & gucci - envy me perfume today wahahahas.. happyhappyhappy =)))
can see it fer yourself bahh.. hais..
why the topic back to me sia..
jus because someone pose as me den dunno write wad den i kena bad mouth like hell.
"count me in! she costed leon's elimination. how can she fit to be his lover.
support leon and anti fidel! "
den ppl sorta spoke up fer me ( i dunno who dat is ..) also kena scolded like hell
"if i did not remember wrongly, i did not scold 'classically'. i did not even see the word 'arsehole' on the msg i posted. even if i would to scold such a word, i would simply use asshole. why bother to change that simple word to that extend, just like you maybe? and relax, i am not fidel in disguise. i know most of you ppl won't believe. i don't know why you all would actually believe those nonsense that the fake fidel has posted and then think that me, as her friend, is actually fidel in disguise. haha. how funny. yeah, i know the facts right. fidel has not been posting msg RECENTLY, but i knew she posted before. and about that siah suay... please, if you think helping a friend is siah suay, then evrybody is siah suay. then u mean that imposter can get off scot free? and then u all keep on saying leon's gf is this and that. and i guess by this time, you all already know fidelis is leon's gf, so what's wrong with her putting mushy msgs? and btw, i also feel sry for leon, having fans like you all, cant even state rights from wrongs. the fact that you all scolded fidel for putting up mushy msgs in the beginning is simply because you all are jealous. i know by saying all these words, some might think im fidel in disguise or whatever okay? but i don't care a damn because i only wanna say what i see and what i believe in, just like some of you, but the only prob is, you all see and believe in the wrong things."
hais.. so bu gan xin... because of some posers..
i kena scolded until like i so bad de lidat.. hais..
dunno wad i do must kena say until lidat .. so sad..
i didnt even post anything nors..
den darling cannot like care abit... so sad.. only noe how to say " dun care ok dun care ok "
hais.. even my frens cares.. jeline & felicia they all read until they dere wahh.. blood boiling , blood pressure going up liao den i dere wahh dun post anything dun post anything hor...
HEYYS WAIT..nono.. not the only thing to be happy about hehes.. i got my guess watch & gucci - envy me perfume today wahahahas.. happyhappyhappy =)))
Friday, July 08, 2005
gosh.. wth
someone pose as me in the forum at project superstar
poser .. prankster hahas being lame ?
gosh.. den still kena scolded like hell..dis is the post-
To Fidel..
Fri 8-7-2005 4:43:07 PM
Fidel, i really cant stand you anymore.. you're not doin any good things to Leon, u noe? u r giving him troubles.. Everyone is trying to help leon.. Giving him support.. Why are you posting this kind of msg that is so childish? After looking so many msgs u've posted, i really dun wish to comment anything bout u.. Coz i dun wanna hurt leon.. But u're really too childish n immature.. do u know that? U wan others to support leon o not? Or u wan leon's fans to leave him one by one? Pls la uh.. Try to think for leon.. N dun put those mushy things here.. As a gf, u shud understand.. This might affect leon.. If u really love Leon, pls dont do that anymore.. U shud think about it! [Leon, Sorry to post this..But i really cant stand ur gf anymore..]
for goodness sake i haven been posting on the forum for like how long and its NOT because we have broken up or sth we're still HAPPY 10 MONTHS gosh.
den kena say until lidat T-T hais wadever las.. i jus wanna clarify.. its not me if you see a post by fidel` its jus some posers ahlarmak.. cant stands sia..
hais..nevermind.. i'll jus ignore.. at least leon spoke up in the forum.. say dat im not the one posting dos stuff.. people who noe me will surely noe i wouldnt say things lidat =))
yay !! today met up with darling leonleon !! whee !! hahahas.. happy lehh i miss him so much
huggies <3>
someone pose as me in the forum at project superstar
poser .. prankster hahas being lame ?
gosh.. den still kena scolded like hell..dis is the post-
To Fidel..
Fri 8-7-2005 4:43:07 PM
Fidel, i really cant stand you anymore.. you're not doin any good things to Leon, u noe? u r giving him troubles.. Everyone is trying to help leon.. Giving him support.. Why are you posting this kind of msg that is so childish? After looking so many msgs u've posted, i really dun wish to comment anything bout u.. Coz i dun wanna hurt leon.. But u're really too childish n immature.. do u know that? U wan others to support leon o not? Or u wan leon's fans to leave him one by one? Pls la uh.. Try to think for leon.. N dun put those mushy things here.. As a gf, u shud understand.. This might affect leon.. If u really love Leon, pls dont do that anymore.. U shud think about it! [Leon, Sorry to post this..But i really cant stand ur gf anymore..]
for goodness sake i haven been posting on the forum for like how long and its NOT because we have broken up or sth we're still HAPPY 10 MONTHS gosh.
den kena say until lidat T-T hais wadever las.. i jus wanna clarify.. its not me if you see a post by fidel` its jus some posers ahlarmak.. cant stands sia..
hais..nevermind.. i'll jus ignore.. at least leon spoke up in the forum.. say dat im not the one posting dos stuff.. people who noe me will surely noe i wouldnt say things lidat =))
yay !! today met up with darling leonleon !! whee !! hahahas.. happy lehh i miss him so much
huggies <3>

hees today go school hmm.. do wad nehh hahas..
orhh hahahahas.. today alot funny things hahahahahahas randall & vincent , elaine
hahahahahas today recess we five ; fanglin , elaine , me , shilesse , celine
hahahahas ki siao hahahas hook each other's arm den we walk walk walk hahash block ppl's way hahahahahas den we walk pass the corridoor den elaine stand at the extreme right mar hahahas
den we suddenly walk very fast den elaine bump into the dustbin hahahahahahahahahas
den me & fanglin like AHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH really crazy liao hahahahahs
so funny.. laugh until i tummy ache liao hahahahaas
den we go computer lab the guys all suddenly shout " we wanna see chicken wing !!!!! "
>.<" guess wads "chicken wing " -.- !!!
gosh bian tai de hahahahas
den go back dat time wahh.. dis time worst hahaahhas we really lame sia hahaahs this time 6 person hook together hahaahhahaahs den alot ppl mar cos lower sec school dismissed le den we at lvl2 hahahahas den we 6 lidat keep bumping into ppl ahahahahahahas den we walk to derh staircase there randall , vincent & ngee song behind us mar hahahaahahs den we purposely block up the way hahahahahahahahs dun let them cross hahahahahahas
we so "qian bian " sia hahaahhas..
hmm.. hahahahahahs den i walk home with xiaofen mar hahaahhas.. den i say her doggie call guai guai is wrong de cos so notti one den i sae call him guai guai got " fan xiao guo " only
den she AHLARMAK she tot she heard me sae "lan jiao gou" hahahahahahahs toot lehh
imagine someone call her doggie " lan jiao gou " gosh den so funny hahahas.. imagine you strolling in the park with yur dog den suddenly shout "lan jiao gou! " ahlarmak.. i tink ppl will vomit blood liao
COUNTING DOWN ;; 2DAYS TO 10 MONTH - so SCARED.. results show in like a few hrs..
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
ytd's ma birthday wahahas hehes so happy ytd..
firstly , wahh.. randall GOR give present lehh wahh.. den he draw sth for me also.. hmm.. din noe he got so much patience de >.< le ="))">.< sorry dear sobs..
cos.. jiawen gor , des , sebas & spaco called and say happy birthday.. den i was like so pai seh..
sobs.. dun angry darling..dun angry..
hehehe im FIFTEEN ; COUNTDOWN ;; 4 DAYS TO 10 MTHS OF <3 =))
ytd's ma birthday wahahas hehes so happy ytd..
firstly , wahh.. randall GOR give present lehh wahh.. den he draw sth for me also.. hmm.. din noe he got so much patience de >.< le ="))">.< sorry dear sobs..
cos.. jiawen gor , des , sebas & spaco called and say happy birthday.. den i was like so pai seh..
sobs.. dun angry darling..dun angry..
hehehe im FIFTEEN ; COUNTDOWN ;; 4 DAYS TO 10 MTHS OF <3 =))
Monday, July 04, 2005
heyys pranksters , wadever you say hahas say we break up also good bad-mouth me also good wadever kayys anything nahh its like between me & leon
ya, im jus a normal girl so wad nobody except leon can decide if im fit to be his gf
posing as leon & saying weird stuff , it will NOT affect us =))
ya, im jus a normal girl so wad nobody except leon can decide if im fit to be his gf
posing as leon & saying weird stuff , it will NOT affect us =))
Saturday, July 02, 2005
hmm hehes.. today go school.. good nehh so happy =))
cos today got 7 lessons only for 3 lesson cher got come others all free period
yay ~ ahlarmak everyone walk pass me den " forever love forever love " sing sing sing hahas
so funny LOLSS den free period elaine , fanglin & me there listen to wang lee hom's "ai cuo"
den we there sing sing sing so loud hahahash den the guys all come di siao us hahahas STILL CONTINUE SING !!!
hahahahas.. so fun hehehes hmm..
darling like piggy.. slp until so late..
den dun even care to msg mie 1st.. den msg everyone about tickets thingy
sobs.. dun i deserve some care & concern ? sobs.. ytd stomach cramp i pain until cannot slp until i tink 3 , 4 am den slp wahh.. = nv slp
hahas den after sko0l go home change den go shopping with jeline , fanglin , elaine hahahas
so funny hahahas elaine keep saying cold jokes hahas
wahh.. den afterdat meet xiong fer movies actually wanna watch war of the worlds derh. but in the end no tics =.= sobs nvm den we watch initial d again hahas gosh edison !!!!!!!!!
wahh.. the movie theatre so cold.. no darling baobao ~
hahas den xiong help me take ma shopping bags & stuff wahh.. hahas
den i shop more & more hahas den he bcum like christmas tree lidat hahahas so funny sia hahahas den afterdat send mie home nors.. wahh.. dunno since when he so nice derh wors hahas
wahh.. i very tired..really wanna listen to his voice.. i really wanna i really really wanna see him !!!!
COUNTING DOWN ;; 4 DAYS TO BIRTHDAY will he be able to ? i hope i hope i wish i wish -
cos today got 7 lessons only for 3 lesson cher got come others all free period
yay ~ ahlarmak everyone walk pass me den " forever love forever love " sing sing sing hahas
so funny LOLSS den free period elaine , fanglin & me there listen to wang lee hom's "ai cuo"
den we there sing sing sing so loud hahahash den the guys all come di siao us hahahas STILL CONTINUE SING !!!
hahahahas.. so fun hehehes hmm..
darling like piggy.. slp until so late..
den dun even care to msg mie 1st.. den msg everyone about tickets thingy
sobs.. dun i deserve some care & concern ? sobs.. ytd stomach cramp i pain until cannot slp until i tink 3 , 4 am den slp wahh.. = nv slp
hahas den after sko0l go home change den go shopping with jeline , fanglin , elaine hahahas
so funny hahahas elaine keep saying cold jokes hahas
wahh.. den afterdat meet xiong fer movies actually wanna watch war of the worlds derh. but in the end no tics =.= sobs nvm den we watch initial d again hahas gosh edison !!!!!!!!!
wahh.. the movie theatre so cold.. no darling baobao ~
hahas den xiong help me take ma shopping bags & stuff wahh.. hahas
den i shop more & more hahas den he bcum like christmas tree lidat hahahas so funny sia hahahas den afterdat send mie home nors.. wahh.. dunno since when he so nice derh wors hahas
wahh.. i very tired..really wanna listen to his voice.. i really wanna i really really wanna see him !!!!
COUNTING DOWN ;; 4 DAYS TO BIRTHDAY will he be able to ? i hope i hope i wish i wish -